Michelle Yung
Illustrator | Designer | Vis Dev
1990s Hong Kong Cafe : Vis Dev Exploration
Shui (Water) : A short film based on childhood in Hong Kong
Trader Joes : A style exploration
Editorial Works
Michelle Yung, also known as Chun Wai, is an illustrator with a big passion for colors and texture. They are interested in BG and concept art design, as well as illustration.They are an ArtCenter Alumni and is currently open to freelance or in house work opportunities!Work inquiries: [email protected]
Awards and Achievements
American Illustration 41 AI-AP ARCHIVE collection3.2022
Society of Illustrators Student Scholarship Competition1.2021 - 8.2021
Mary Pickford Endowed Scholarship12.2020
Creative Quarterly 62, Illustration: Student Runner-up9.2018 - current
Art Center of Art and Design Student Merit scholarship